January 22, 2010


de•moc•ra•cy \di-‘mäk-rə-sē\ n from the ancient Greek : literally rule by the people 1 a : in practice confined to the perfunctory routines and formality of elections which every four years or so coronate figure heads for several of the competing oligarchies  b : a thoroughly compromised regime that is bought, sold, and administered by those eager to get on with business once the campaigns are over, the floors swept, and the balloons popped  2 : a slogan worth aspiring to if only to appease the better angels of our nature, disgruntled and despondent they may get at times : heard occasionally during PBS pledge drives : seen as a halo worn by Ken Burns and Doris Kearns Goodwin  3 : found increasingly in “developing” states around the world  4 : a wild animal  5 : a howling mob
de•moc•ra•cy \di-‘mäk-rə-sē\ n from the ancient Greek : literally rule by the people 1 : an ignoble lie  2 a : one of many simulations invariably displayed to hide its disappearance  b :  the selling of populist packaging and garish noise : nihilism  3 a : a rarely used punch-line told in the lingua franca of an elite class  b : an understated yet celebratory nod to autocracy, the willful disregard of laws, exploitation, powerlessness, and often human misery. See SCHADENFREUDE 4 a : a Muslim woman from the “developing” world with blue ink on her thumb  5 :  a creature born in infirmity but taken off life support at an early age to be embalmed and dressed soon thereafter for customary viewing during the recital of public opinion polls and election season. 
de•moc•ra•cy \di-‘mäk-rə-sē\ n from the ancient Greek : literally rule by the people 1 a GET BACK TO WORK

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